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SCI-GSO 2021–2022 Elections

Nominee for SCI-GSO President - Candidate Statement

One of the biggest things that I feel has been missing from my experience at SCI has been opportunities to meet with other students in the school. Especially after almost 2 years of COVID, it feels as if no one has really met anyone outside of their classes. Even then, our interactions in class are very different from actually getting to know each other. Now more than ever, it is important that we find ways to connect our members of the school and form more of a community. As the president of SCIGSO, I would love to create new events that would allow us to meet each other beyond just our classes. I feel that whenever a social hour is presented it always has something to do with technology (ex. A hackathon or watching 2001: A space odyssey), but our social hours should be more than that! I would love to have holiday-themed competitions such as a pumpkin carving contest or a thanksgiving style social hour with a pie competition. It would also be an extremely high priority of mine to update our website so that it actively reflects what is actually happening within SCI. Our current GSO website is outdated and it is so hard to find any relevant information, which makes it virtually impossible for new students to find out about new events or groups on campus. I would love to update the website with a calendar of events, links to graduate student organizations, and a forum where students can ask questions or make suggestions for future events. We are all studying technology, after all, our website should reflect that! Finally, I would really love to create study hour events that can be targeted towards specific topics. Whether you have a class related to that topic or are just generally interested in that topic, you can come to the study hour and meet peers with similar tech interests or meet classmates that you can study with. I'd love to foster a collaborative environment that allows us to discuss beyond what we're learning in the classroom. I really do love this school and I think it can only be better if we have more chances to meet each other, which I would love to provide as president.
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