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SCI-GSO 2021–2022 Elections

Nominee for SCI-GSO President - BIO

Hello everyone! My name is Victoria Chuah and I am a graduate student pursuing a Master's in Computer Science here at SCI. I went to Pitt for undergrad so I have had a lot of experience with the School of Computing and Information as well as with Pitt administration. In undergrad I served as a board member for the Student Government Board, so I have seen first hand and know what is required to effectively run a successful government board. While on SGB, I was able to serve as the student representative in the University Senate's Computing and Information Technology Committee, so I already have an established relationship with SCI administration. In addition to that, I also have experience working with SORC and the Board of Trustees, organizations that are incredibly important to have strong relationships with as a student government organization. I also feel incredibly comfortable facilitating weekly meetings and organizing student activities and events, as that was a main job I had when working on the Student Government Board. I have held other leadership roles as well while at Pitt, such as being the president of Ruckus Improv Comedy, a board member for Pitt Ballet Club, and the host and executive board member for Pitt Tonight.
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